Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Quick Wardrobe Switch

Hey guys! I’m currently recovering from running a great but intense two-week summer course. More on that soon, but for now I’ll talk about an issue that plagues many geologists and/or people who do a lot of field work: needing a quick wardrobe change! I can’t say how many times that I’ve had a long day out in the field but I need to pop into school or the office for a quick meeting without going home. Here are a few tips:

Opted for my comfy lululemon jacket while I studied.

1.)   Add a formal jacket/blazer and change your shoes!
2.)   Wear jeans if you can.
3.)   Bring extra deodorant.

Wearing my crocs flats!

These before and after pictures were on a day where I needed to study for most of the day but wanted to go out with S later that evening for pho. I just opted for comfy jeans and a shirt for my library time. Then I switched out the shoes and added a blazer to finish a new look, and voila! Date outfit all set! For a more extreme change like going directly from active field work to a meeting, I’d recommend possibly changing the base shirt, too. And, on hot days, that’s when the deodorant comes in handy too!

If you feel like maybe your wardrobe is a bit sparse, here are some shopping ideas for you:

Link to the jacket here.

These flats are so pretty and look comfortable!

I like to have at least one of every clothing item in black because it’s so easy to work with. These jacket and flats seem both affordable and pretty decent quality. So let me know if you end up getting either of these! I’m tempted to try out the flats, and I’ll let you know if I do!

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