Monday, January 2, 2017

¿Qué pasó con las Lagunas?

Hope you all had a lovely holiday season so far! I’m in Kentucky visiting family, and I’ve been really enjoying just relaxing. Anyway, since I’ve finished a section of my prospectus, I figured I would share a bit more on my research focus for all of you who are interested.

Photo taken by my advisor of a transitional pool looking southeast towards the Andes.
Lately, I’ve been really fascinated with the lagoons that are located in Salar de Atacama (SdA). Here’s a quick refresher: SdA is a basin in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, which is the driest nonpolar desert in the world and is therefore a great place to study groundwater dynamics in arid regions. SdA is also the home of the densest naturally occurring brine, which is water that has a lot of dissolved halite (i.e. salt) and other compounds that make it denser than fresh water. My general interest is defining the factors (like evaporation, dissolution, and changes in the hydraulic gradient) that drive groundwater flow in brine-rich and arid environments which, as I’ve mentioned in a previous post, are unique from mechanisms seen more temperate climates. 

Eastern view of Lagunas Miscanti and Miniques, looking towards the east at the Andes. Photo courtesy of my advisor!
I think that the lagoons are the key to studying those factors further. Why? Because the lagoons are located along the boundaries of SdA’s surrounding mountains and the basin’s halite nucleus, which is basically a giant chunk of salt that has accumulated in the valley floor of the basin from tens of thousands of years of evaporation. The lagoons are also located along the transition zone between the relatively fresh groundwater and the brine. These lagoons are only slightly briny, whereas the groundwater under the halite nucleus is incredibly briny (in fact, it’s likely the heaviest brine naturally found anywhere in the world). This means that the lagoons are likely being recharged from relatively fresh water coming from the uphill Altiplano region in the Andes. So, these lagoons and the area around them are a great place to study the processes by which freshwater turns into such heavy brine.

Flamingos depend on the algae and the crustaceans that live in the lagoons. Photo courtesy of my advisor.
So how can I study the lagoons and the areas around the lagoons to figure out how this brine develops? One good way is to delineate the extent of the brine and to figure out where the groundwater becomes so concentrated with dissolved sodium and lithium. A lot of work has already defined the lateral extent of brine, but the vertical extent of the brine is still poorly defined. There are also a lot of insightful techniques for tracing groundwater flow by studying changes in temperature, isotope ratios, and dissolved lithium and sodium. I’ll make sure to explain each tracer in more detail later on.

So, based on what we know, it looks like the lagoons are responsible for generating some of the densest brines on earth. Why? The extremely high evaporation rates extract water out of the lagoons and leave behind the dissolved compounds like sodium and lithium to create the denser brine, which eventually sinks down and into the rest of the brine that underlies the halite nucleus. The lagoons are likely the only place for this process to occur because the surface of the halite nucleus acts like a barrier against evaporation with almost no porosity and a very high albedo.

Here’s a little peak into my progress! Let me know if you have any questions, and Happy New Year!